Obligatory reading

All of our students in IES Roquetes have to read in English every year. The set book they read is an obligation and the books are chosen carefully to be both interesting and appropriate to the level of English that the students have at that level.

The current list is this:

1r ESO. Around the world in eighty days.JJules Verne (OUP)

2n ESO. The curse of the mummy.
Joyce Hannan (OUP)

3r ESO. ULURU. Helen Burton (Burlington)

3r ESO. The hacker. Ken Harris (Burlington)

4t ESO. The death of Karen Silkwood. Joyce Hannan (OUP)

For 1r Batxillerat there are now two books set as obligatory reading.

1r Batxillerat. The picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde (OUP)

1r Batxillerat.

There is only one book set for 2n batxillerat and at present it is:

2n Batxillerat. The Hound of the Baskervilles. AC Doyle