The project means a lot of work for the students who decide to participate but will also bring them a lot of very worthwhile experiences. They will have to work closely with students from the other schools using the internet and various different programs and web pages such as YouTube, Blogspot etc.
There will also be two visits abroad when our students will have the chance to meet and spend a week with the students they have been working with. We believe that this experience will be a rich one for them and that it will mean a great step forward in their confidence in using foreign languages and that they will even make some friends from our partner countries, friends that they may have for a long time yet in the future.
In preparation for this project we held a meeting of some of the participating schools here in IES Roquetes in January 2008. Four different countries participated, Poland, Germany, Greece and Sweden. During the week of meetings the work for the project was planned and the application was completed. The result of our application will be known at the end of May beginnings of June of this year 2008.
If anyone would like to read about the work already done towards this project Huw's experiences are being recorded in a Comenius Project Blog, called "Blogging a Comenius experience" which everyone is welcome to read.