Marisa Juan
After university she spent a year working in Pont Oise near Paris in France as a language assistant and then started teaching French back home in Catalunya in Mora d'Ebre. Since then she has taught in many different schools and in IES Pompeu Fabra in Martorell was first Head of Studies for 6 years and then Vice Director for two.
She has travelled a lot especially in France and Italy, she loves ballroom dancing and has also been very active as a councillor and 1ra Tinent Alcalde in Aldover for 4 years.
English Department
Maite Blanco
After finishing her studies she started teaching English in centres in Alcanar, Ametlla de Mar and various others. She has also taught in Tortosa at the IES Joaquim Bau and the IES l'Ebre.
She came to IES Roquetes in 1998 and has been here since then. In addition to English she speaks French and especially likes dancing and cooking in her free time.
MªJose Montserrat
She was born in Ulldecona where she lived until she started her university studies. She studied filologia anglo-germànica (specialising in English) at the Universitat de Barcelona. Once finished she continued living there for several years and worked in different private schools. Having returned to the Terres de l'Ebre she worked in the IES l'Ebre for six years, for one year in the IES Ulldecona and has been at IES Roquetes since 2001.
She has been the coordinator for the Pla Estratègic and the Pla d'Innovació Educativa for the last two years and has been Cap d'Estudis from 2006.
What she likes most about her job is the learning activities that take place outside the normal classroom enviroment, she is also a great fan of Information Technology, something which she has only discovered in the last four years.
Nacho Zamora
Professionally as a teacher he qualified in Catalunya and first worked here in Tortosa in IES de l'Ebre. After several years there he moved here to IES Roquetes.
He is a passionate motorbike rider, his passion is trail bikes and he has two, a Suzuki and a Honda which he has bought only recently.
Jordi Trimiño
Jordi was born in Tortosa and studied Filologia Anglesa at the URV in Tarragona. He started teaching English immediately after obtaining his degree in Mora d'Ebre. Then he was in Gandesa for two years and after that moved between different schools in the Terres de l'Ebre staying longest in Alcanar.
He is a passionate fan of motorcycling racing and often explores the Ports de Beseit by quad. He also likes to play basketball and go running with a group of friends.
In addition to his speciality of English he is also qualified as a Catalan teacher having passed the official exams to level D.
Anna Llosa
After a year there she came to IES Roquetes. In addition to English she also speaks German. Here in IES Roquetes she is the coordinator of the Pla d'Innovació Educativa de Llengues Estrangeres.
Anna has created her own brilliant interactive blog called "my teacher's blog" which she uses in her classes of 2n ESO.
She has travelled widely abroad, she is fascinated by oriental culture and the city she liked most was Istanbul. she hopes to visit India someday.
Salomé Aguilar
She has travelled quite a lot and also likes the countryside, photography and music. She is a member of the choral group Cor Flumine which sings in many places including the Cantina Cantorum in the Festes de Renaixement.
Huw Edwards-Westlake
He is very interested in photography, the internet and information technology in general. Now he wants to start a Comenius Project here in IES Roquetes and dedicates a lot of time to preparing this.